She's a Masterpiece  


The Program That Transforms Visionaries Into Icons


The premier, most glamorous experience on the internet for women of faith who are ready to build high-end, high-impact, million-dollar, God-led movements.

The only mentorship program designed to help powerhouse women of faith build million-dollar, God-led movements, master influence, and become the most sought-after leaders in their industries. This is where ambition meets legacy—and where your presence becomes impossible to ignore.

That's all I needed to hear, I'm in!

The Truth You've Always Felt

You’re accomplished, ambitious, and magnetic—but let’s be real: It’s not enough.

Why? Because deep down, you know there’s another level—one where you’re not just seen but revered. A place where your influence commands rooms, your name carries weight, and your success feels as exquisite as it looks. You know that you have "it" and you know that God created you to be iconic and build something massive. You’ve tasted greatness, but the vision God placed inside you requires more.

And you likely haven’t stepped into that YET because…..

Your Icon Energy is Ready to Burst- But Something is Holding You Back


  • You feel caught between where you are and where you know you’re meant to be. It’s as if you can sense the future version of yourself, living large, commanding influence—but your current reality hasn’t quite aligned with her yet.

  • You wonder if you “look the part” of someone who leads at the highest level. Whether it’s your image, vibe, or presence, you can’t help but second-guess if you’re polished, pretty, or powerful enough to walk into the rooms you dream of.

  • You hold back when you show up online—worried about being “too much.” It’s not that you lack confidence—it’s the fear that standing out might invite judgment, criticism, or even isolation.. The real you is louder, bolder, and hungrier for the kind of influence that commands rooms and shifts atmospheres. Yet, somehow, you’ve been stuck—toning it all down just to feel safe.

  • The spaces you once felt excited to be in now feel too small. You’re craving bigger stages, more meaningful opportunities, and deeper impact—but you keep finding yourself drawn back to familiar, comfortable places, even though they don’t fit you anymore.

Your Influence is Untapped, When It Should Be Shaping the Conversation


  • There’s a fire inside of you—a message that could change everything—but you’ve been holding it back, afraid it won’t land or that it’s too bold. The problem isn’t the message; it’s the influence needed to deliver it unapologetically.

    When you speak or post, you know your message is valuable, but it doesn’t yet feel undeniable. You want your words to hit differently—to resonate so deeply that people can’t help but act, follow, or join your movement.

  • You’re making sales, but it feels transactional—not transformational. People buy, but they aren’t magnetized by your message or showing up ready to follow your lead beyond the purchase.

  • You sense the difference between being seen as capable and being seen as iconic. You’re ready to cross the threshold from competence to command—from someone people respect to someone they revere.

You're in the Wings, When You Know You Belong at Center Stage


  • You’re ready to serve at a higher level, but don’t know how to position yourself as the go-to.– It’s not that you doubt your talent—you’ve built success, and you know the value you bring. But you’re unsure how to frame that value in a way that makes you the first and only choice for premium clients and top-tier opportunities.

  • You’re attracting clients, but not the right ones.– You’ve been making sales, but the clients and projects aren’t as exciting or aligned as they should be. You know you’re capable of bigger impact—the kind of work that gives you energy, not drains it—but your message hasn’t yet drawn in those dream clients.

  • You’ve reached a ceiling, and your business can’t scale the way it’s currently set up.– Whether you’re new or seasoned, you feel like you’re maxed out with the way things are. You know you’re ready to step into bigger spaces, but something about how you’re currently positioned is holding you back.

  • You’ve outgrown your old identity, but your brand hasn’t caught up.

    – You’ve shifted personally—your mindset, your standards, even your vision have evolved—but your business still feels like it belongs to an earlier version of you. It’s time to realign everything to match where you’re headed now.

My Signature Pretty & Paid Formula is Going to Get You Right


“Pretty” isn’t about looks—it’s about cultivating a presence so powerful it cannot be ignored. It’s about owning your space and having a brand and energy that turns heads and commands respect wherever you go.


“Paid” isn’t just about money—it’s about being paid attention to, paid respect, and paid homage as the leader you were born to be. You’ll be paid in opportunities, in the recognition you deserve, and in the legacy you create.

Spotlight Amplification Process

This isn’t just about “being seen”—it’s about becoming unforgettable. We’ll rewire your self-image so you stop dimming your light and start owning your full presence, radiating the energy of an icon every time you step into a room (or show up online). From the way you speak, move, and create, to the essence you leave behind, you’ll learn how to turn heads and command premium spaces effortlessly—like the front-row darling at a runway show.

Think of it as moving through the world like the most exclusive VIP in your industry, making every interaction, every piece of content, and every opportunity feel like your grand entrance. By the end of this process, you won’t just “show up”—you’ll become the woman people can’t stop talking about.

Embodied Influence Strategy

We’re not here to play by the rules—you’re here to write them. Together, we’ll get laser-focused on how you show up and communicate your value so you no longer blend in but become the force that shapes conversations and moves your industry forward. You’ll learn how to embody your icon energy so deeply that people feel your power without you needing to say a word.

Every piece of content you create will become an extension of your presence, pulling in clients, partnerships, and opportunities without the hustle. This isn’t about chasing trends—it’s about creating them. You’ll go from following the conversation to leading it, becoming the woman who sets the bar and has premium clients and high-level partners seeking you out.

Power Positioning Method

This is where you stop hoping people notice you and start commanding spaces. We’ll align every part of your brand ecosystem so that your offers, content, and presence work together to position you as the gold standard in your industry. From the way you craft your message to the aura you exude, we’ll ensure your brand becomes the one people associate with excellence and luxury (or whatever it is you want your name to be synonymous with.

Think of this as the moment you step into your throne—where every opportunity, client, or partnership isn’t just aligned but elevates your entire presence. Your brand won’t just attract—it will magnetize the premium clients and high-end collaborations you’ve been dreaming of. This isn’t just building a business; it’s about becoming a household name, the iconic leader others look to for inspiration.


Join She's A Masterpiece 

A 6-month transformational experience to embody Icon Energy, build a high-impact, God-led movement, and become the most sought-after name in your industry.

Say Less, I'm In

 This Isn’t Just a Makeover, Sis—It’s the Unveiling of Your Most Iconic Self 💕


You weren’t created to blend in or coast on mediocrity. You were born to stand out, disrupt industries, and leave a legacy that’s felt for generations—the way Chanel revolutionized fashion or the way Oprah redefined influence. You’re not here to play nice on the sidelines; you’re here to shift culture, shape conversations, and become a household name.


This isn’t just another coaching program—it’s your invitation to icon status. Over the course of six transformative months, we’ll elevate your identity, message, presence, and brand so that your business, influence, and legacy reflect the magnitude of who you truly are.



  1. Unlock Your Iconic Identity

This isn’t about becoming someone new—it’s about unveiling the most powerful version of yourself. You already have the “It” factor; we’re just bringing it to the forefront. You’ll shed the limiting beliefs that have kept you playing small, finally stepping into the woman you know you’re destined to be.

Prepare to walk into rooms and digital spaces like a force of nature—owning every moment with a quiet power that makes people stop and take notice. Your presence will speak volumes before you even open your mouth.


  1. Transform Your Message into a Movement

Your message is more than just words—it’s the spark that can ignite a movement. We’ll help you uncover the soul of your message, the part that resonates so deeply it shifts hearts and inspires action.

You won’t just be another voice in the crowd—you’ll own the conversation, creating content so bold and thought-provoking that it disrupts the norm and positions you as the leader others turn to for guidance.


  1. Build a Magnetic Brand That Commands Influence

Your brand will become a magnet for high-level clients and premium opportunities. No more chasing after deals or hustling for visibility—the right people will find you, seek you out, and be eager to work with you.

Together, we’ll craft a brand ecosystem that positions you as “one-of-one”—the go-to leader in your industry. From the way you show up to the way your offers are structured, everything will align with your highest vision and signal that you’re the gold standard.


  1. Elevate Your Presence and Influence

This isn’t just about confidence—it’s about presence. The kind of presence that fills a room before you even enter it and leaves people talking about you long after you leave. You’ll learn how to show up with certainty and charisma, embodying the level of influence that can’t be ignored or duplicated.

People won’t just notice you—they’ll remember you, be drawn to you, and want to learn from you. Your influence will become a gravitational force, pulling in the right clients, opportunities, and partnerships effortlessly.


  1. Activate Your Unique Brilliance to Lead Boldly

We’ll identify and amplify the essence that sets you apart—your unique brilliance, that unteachable quality that makes you unforgettable. This isn’t about fitting into the mold of your industry; it’s about shattering it. You won’t just follow trends—you’ll create them, setting the standard others strive to meet.

You’ll lead with audacity and vision, becoming the kind of woman whose name is synonymous with excellence and innovation. No more holding back—this is your time to lead boldly and rewrite the rules.


  1. Create a Legacy That Rivals Icons

This isn’t just about building a profitable business—it’s about building something timeless. Together, we’ll craft a vision so expansive that it becomes your life’s work, a movement that leaves an impact long after you’ve stepped away.

You’ll be empowered to think bigger, act bolder, and align your business with your God-given calling—the kind of work that glorifies God and shifts industries at the same time. You’ll stop chasing temporary success and start building a legacy that will echo through generations.

The best part….We do all of this with the help of The Holy Spirit so it’s foolproof.


She's A Masterpiece Includes.......


  • Weekly Hot Seat Coaching

These exclusive 90-minute sessions are like private runway fittings for your brand and leadership—tailored, precise, and transformative. We’ll dive deep into your mindset, business strategy, and vision, uncovering what’s holding you back and aligning your steps with your most iconic self. 

Each session leaves you with a bespoke plan of action, carefully curated to fit your unique goals—because cookie-cutter solutions won’t get you to the top. You’ll walk away with game-changing insights and actionable steps that elevate your brand, refine your leadership, and position you as the leader everyone’s watching.

  • Inner Healing Sessions

These aren’t just inner healing sessions—these are like luxury spa days for your spirit. During these deep-dive activation calls, we’ll work through any limiting beliefs that are holding you back and realign your energy with your highest potential. Prepare to feel completely rejuvenated and empowered, stepping into your full icon energy and unlocking the leader within- God’s way.


  • Live Workshops

Think TED Talks meets Fashion Week—but designed to take your presence and influence to the next level. These workshops are practical, interactive, and deeply transformative, covering everything from refining your message to building your influence. You’ll leave with actionable strategies to elevate your brand from ordinary to iconic, positioning yourself as the go-to leader in your industry.


  • Exclusive Content Library

This isn’t just a content vault—it’s your personal atelier of high-end strategies and premium insights. Inside, you’ll find tailored trainings that help you refine your positioning, enhance your influence, and build the luxury movement you’ve been envisioning. With on-demand access, you’ll have everything you need to keep your momentum flowing and scale your business with precision.


  • Iconic Sisterhood

Surround yourself with a community of ambitious, high-caliber women who, like you, are stepping into their iconic leadership. In this elite sisterhood, you’ll find support, inspiration, and collaboration as you rise together. Just like Coco Chanel didn’t build her empire alone, neither will you—you’ll have your own tribe of icons cheering you on every step of the way.

I'm sold, take me to the application!

Choose Your Path to Icon Status


This mentorship offers three luxurious tiers—whether you’re just starting your transformation or ready to rule the entire industry, there’s a path for you.

Signature Beauty Tier

$5k or $888/mo

Everything You Need To Thrive


This is your designer debut. Your first-class ticket to fabulous. This tier is for the ambitious woman ready to ignite her transformation and begin turning heads in her industry. You’ll have all the tools and support you need to start positioning yourself as a rising star.

  • This includes everything discussed above & more because I like to overdeliver
  • Weekly Hot Seat Coaching
  • Exclusive Content Vault
  • Live Workshops
  • Inner Healing Sessions
  • Supportive Sisterhood

    Who It’s For:

    If you’re ready to stop playing small, step into the spotlight, and make a name for yourself—this is your starter kit for industry domination.

Apply Now

VIP Beauty Tier

$10k or $1,777/mo

The Accelerated Track


Okay sis, this is where things get luxe. Think of it as a hotline to icon status—for those ready to accelerate their rise and claim their position as the go-to leader in their industry. You’ll enjoy personalized attention and fast-tracked success.


  • This includes everything in Tier one 
  • Three Private Coaching Sessions: Tailored, 1:1 guidance to help you implement strategies faster and refine your brand at every turn.
  • VIP Mastermind Access: Exclusive gatherings with fellow rising icons where you’ll collaborate and strategize on elevating your presence and impact.

  • VIP Vault: Audio drops and insider riffs that hit like runway previews, giving you the behind-the-scenes insights you need to move with ease and precision.

  • Direct Access to Me: You’ll have VIP group messaging access in between sessions for real-time support—whether you need clarity on strategy or inspiration in the moment.

    Who It’s For:

    If you’re ready to take the fast lane to icon status, make bold moves, and see rapid growth, this is your path to owning your industry and leaving your mark.



    This tier is limited to ensure you receive premium, focused attention and support on your journey to icon status.

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Elite Beauty Tier (Diamond Status)

$15k or $2,777/mo

The Quantum Leap With Royal Treatment


This, my dear, is the crème de la crème. For the woman who doesn’t just want a seat at the table—she wants to own the entire boardroom. This is the private jet to iconic status—reserved for the woman who is here  to dominate. 

With luxury-level access, deep-dive strategy, and premium support, this tier ensures you have everything you need to build a legacy that transcends trends.


  • This includes everything in Tiers one and two
  • Two Private Strategy Sessions Monthly: In-depth, 1:1 coaching sessions designed to fast-track your growth and refine your brand to dominate your industry.
  • Personal VIP Line: Your direct line to Shaneice, available anytime you need high-level strategy or a quick mindset reset—ensuring every decision is aligned with your iconic future.

  • Exclusive Live Events & Retreats: As an Elite member, you’ll be invited to future exclusive intimate luxury retreats and live events where we’ll strategize, collaborate, and take your brand to new heights.

    Who It’s For:

    The Elite woman who is on the fast track to mogul-hood. You like everything premium, including your glow ups. This is for those who are ready to collapse time and step into her NOW. You want first-class treatment and fast results, and you know the best transformations happen when you move quickly and with intention.


    Joining Elite automatically puts you in my Inner Circle

    As an Diamond Status member, you’re not just receiving coaching—you’re gaining lifelong VIP access to invite-only events and exclusive opportunities through The Glow Up Agency. This is more than mentorship; it’s your passport to iconic status, complete with VIP treatment and continued access to elite-level support as long as you’re connected to this movement.


    There are only 3 spaces available for this Tier

Apply Now

Scroll through below to read about a few of our icons in the making

And Here’s the Truth About What This Work Has Done for Me…


This is the same work that has me going viral regularly, landing brand partnership, and receiving invitations for podcast interviews, panel discussions, and speaking engagements. My content has even been requested for The Drew Barrymore Show. Whether I’m turning heads on the street or being asked to model, this is what happens when you fully align with your God-given brilliance, embody your iconic presence, and position yourself to build an empire that commands respect, influence, and lasting impact.

And the best part? I’m just getting started.

I'm Ready To Apply

Frequently Asked Questions


Picture This: Your Next Level

You awaken in your sun-drenched penthouse, wrapped in crisp, luxurious sheets, the love of your life beside you—the one who finally found you once you stepped into your full power. A gentle breeze brushes past your silk robe as you sip your morning latte on the balcony, the skyline sprawling beneath you, reflecting the life you knew was meant for you all along.

Your phone buzzes—not with noise, but with purpose. A message from your team:


“Vogue Business wants an exclusive interview to feature your brand’s cultural impact in their next cover story. Also, your VIP waitlist just hit 100. How do you want to proceed?”


You exhale a satisfied smile, remembering the days when you hit refresh on your inbox, hoping for just one inquiry. Now, your world is brimming with opportunities you used to dream about:

  •   Your DMs overflow with collaboration requests from industry titans—those same ones you once admired from a distance.
  •   The millionaire mogul whose success once inspired you? Now she’s sliding into your inbox, practically begging for a spot on your calendar.
  •   Your latest Instagram post ignites a viral wave, and top podcasts are offering bids for the honor of hosting you as a guest.


And your calendar—oh, what a work of art. Each commitment a reflection of the legacy you’re building:

  •   Next week: A luxury weekend intensive in NYC with a VIP client who’s flying you in first-class and putting you up in a five-star hotel overlooking Central Park.
  •   Two months from now: Your sold-out retreat in Bali awaits, with women from across the globe investing five figures to experience your transformational magic firsthand.
  •   This summer: That month-long Italian getaway? It’s finally happening. You’ve rented a villa in Tuscany, and as you sip Chianti by the pool, your empire continues to grow—without you lifting a finger.


Your brand isn’t just thriving—it’s a phenomenon. You’re not just successful—you’re being hailed as the next icon, the “one to watch” in every top-tier publication. High-end clients don’t just find you—they compete for your attention, eager to invest in your brilliance, knowing there’s nothing else like you.

And the best part? You’ve built all of this without sacrificing your peace, your values, or your connection to God. You’ve found the sweet spot where ambition and divine alignment meet, and every step you take is guided by the Holy Spirit. You’re not burning out, you’re not striving—you’re walking boldly in the favor and flow that was always meant for you.

Your journey is no longer just about personal success—it’s a beacon of what’s possible when faith, power, and influence align. You’re living the vision God planted in your heart, glorifying Him through every breakthrough and bold move.


This isn’t just a dream—it’s calling your name.

The only question is: Are you ready to answer the call?

I'm beyond ready!

Ready to build a high end, God-led Movement?

You’ve always known you were made for more—now’s the time to step boldly into that truth. Iconic leadership isn’t reserved for the chosen few; it’s waiting for women bold enough to claim it. Are you ready to lead? Apply now to begin your transformation.

Apply To She's a Masterpiece đź’•